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22 November 2022
Göteborg, Sweden
Inclusive Business Forum 2022

While Swedish industry remains focused on traditional markets in Europe, now more than ever there is a huge need for Swedish businesses, working with other actors, to diversify and play a much more significant role in developing markets. This year’s forum, under the theme Tomorrow's Business Today will focus on creating sustainable business models with the ‘next four billion’ customers, suppliers, producers and employees mainly living in Africa, Asia and Latin America. 

Inclusive business is about serving vast unmet needs, improving people’s lives and turning global development challenges into win-win business opportunities. Even though inclusive business models seem to be niche, they actually have the potential to serve between 50-70% of the world’s population, and are estimated to be worth over $6 trillion for businesses in the next decade. 

This Inclusive Business Forum supports business leaders and partners in Sweden and abroad to mobilize the necessary resources, networks of partners and capabilities needed to start and scale up inclusive business models fast enough to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

What can you expect from the event?

An in-person event only and free to join! 

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Headline Speakers


Agnes Kalibata

President of AGRA Sustainably Growing Africa's Food Systems

Under Agnes’ leadership, AGRA has been working to increase the incomes and improve food security for 30 million farming households in 11 African countries.

*Joining us online.


Amit Bouri

CEO and co-founder of Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN)

As the CEO of GIIN, Amit leads the largest global community of impact investors dedicated to increasing the scale and effectiveness of impact investing.

*Joining us online.


Ylva Strander

Head of Department, Systems Transformation and Policy, Innovation Management at Vinnova

As Head of Department at Vinnova, Ylva leads a team that works with building and supporting Sweden's ecosystem for innovation needed to transform our society for a sustainable future. 


Anna-Karin Dahlberg

Director of Sustainability at Lindex 

Anna-Karin has held lead­ing po­si­tions the past 17 years within Lindex, in­clud­ing the re­spon­si­bil­ity for Lin­dex pro­duc­tion of­fices in In­dia, China and Hong Kong.  

The event is moderated by Mike Debelak, Executive Director at Inclusive Business Sweden.


An action-based event 

Action Tracks 

Join action-focused workshops where meaningful dialogues, collaborations and partnerships can emerge.

Matchmaking Meetings  

Schedule one-to-one meetings with other participating companies, investors, entrepreneurs and partners. You can hold up to 5 x 15 min meetings during the event. 


Get inspired by entrepreneurs and business actors sharing their experience on the success factors and pitfalls of working in developing markets.

It's your time to shine!  If you would like to lead an Action Track, you can let us know in the registration form.

Share with others!

Let your network, colleagues and partners know about the Forum so they can join as well.

Share this event website or the LinkedIn event and join the conversation on social media using #IBF2022 and tagging Inclusive Business Sweden:

  • LinkedIn: @InclusiveBusinessSweden
  • Facebook: @InclusiveBusinessSweden
  • Twitter: @InclBusiness


Organisers and Funders

The Forum is brought to you by Inclusive Business Sweden with the support of the Inclusive Ventures programme.

Inclusive Ventures accelerates West Swedish SMEs to fast-growing developing markets with the ambition to make West Sweden a national hub for inclusive business. It is led by Inclusive Business Sweden with the support of our great partners RISE and Johanneberg Science Park and our funders EU European Regional Development Fund and Västra Götalandsregionen

Closed since 22 November 2022
Convendum, Göteborg
Organised by